
Egypt’ Rosetta Stone and the Lamanite STAR

…and, within the Great Americas and beyond her shores. For the Chosen and all believers and unbelievers alike… Happy spiritual travels. Oh, how i admire you, whilst on your journey. The Holy Spirit holds steadfast: That which seeks God, will find this Truth, through Jesus Christ. …especially while in Missouri. -paul

Egypt’ Rosetta Stone and the 33 degree Rule

For the sake of not having to write a scientific paper, I won’t delve too deep into the subject of the 33 Degree Rule. 33° Rule and 33° STAR 33° Rule and the 33° STAR

The stone below is a ‘Starstone’. It bears the characteristics of the stones within the collection, each of which share very specific geometric patterns, patterns found within’ 33 Degree STAR. In addition, this stone shares 5 of the 6 edges found on the Egyptian Rosetta Stone- one edge, of which, is properly arched and another edge: identically beveled. The reason for this, with a little research, can be discovered using the 33 Degree Rule. However though, and much more important to ask is, “What does Egypt’ Rosetta Stone have to do with Missouri’”

The humble beginnings of Egypt’ Rosetta Stone

I recall, with fond memories, that Missouri Sunday-morning, with lighthearted conversations, the smiling faces, pressed attire, and cordial manners. In addition, I recall the one question asked when I stepped through the doorway: “What brought you to Church, this morning?” And so, my answer, basic and to the point, must have gained its weight in gold and the ear of an attentive Angel, sent to listen-in from Heaven. Now, in retrospect, if I would have answered that question differently, the series of events that have played out in and around our lives, …quite super-natural, might not have happened at all; including this, a small Missouri handstone, in the image of Egypt’ Rosetta Stone.

a visual comparison(front edges and front corners)

These Hexagons: Edges and corners 1,3,4,5,&6 are a near match when compared to each other. Rosetta Stone edges 2 &6 intersect, forming a 33 degree angle. – mason’ handstone

Egypt’ Rosetta Stone & the 33-degree Star

Egypt’ Rosetta Stone(front)

Egypt’ Rosetta Stone(rear)

We, as the people of the United States of America- in the suffering of the coming days, will join hands in Faith. We will join- united- under one God and blazing forward, one path. We will look past the self, then- with confidence- step forward- united- for the Christ… Jesus Christ. -paul – Missouri, United States of America – Holy Land of the ancient Lamanite Prophet – First Nations Ceremonial Grounds & Wilderness Meditation Retreat


Judge me not

Hear ye hear ye, the Lord judges him not, for He understands that shedding of the veil to make clear a man’s sight and ordering in, for him solely, a view of humanity- a Godly and terrifying glimpse of the suffering, as seen through the eye of God- He understands that only a handful of men can endure such visions- Celestial. Remember, judge not from the Earth, he that has ascended; for, he has spoken with the All Mighty, walked with the Angels, and stood toe-to-toe with the shadow. Therein, it is because of his Faith, through his Works, and the God-given gift of Sight that he has earned the right to gaze upon the ancient language, the language which speaks of the human story. Judge him not, for God has placed His hand upon the Chosen. Be this: The Truth- yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Leonardo da Vinci’ ‘Baptism of Christ’ …Decoded decoding leonardo da vinci' 'baptism of christ' – decoding Leonardo da Vinci’ Baptism of Christ’ decoding Leonardo da Vinci' 'Baptism of Christ' – decoding Leonardo da Vinci’ Baptism of Christ’

And when He said, “Compare your hands against the stones.” and “Look to da Vinci’ works.” the results have become, what is, the images that support the Truth… – Holy Land of the ancient Lamanite Prophet.

An ancient turtle cairn, constructed of 100+ ancient stone tools, was restored from the archaeological site dubbed ‘Indianhead’. The sculpted handstone(left), discovered leaning against the Indianhead stone(bottom), sets atop the turtle cairn(bottom right). Next, the Indianhead stone balances atop the handstone, inverted and fitting, miraculously, via a mortise joint.

United States of America’ Lamanite Tribe: Chosen by God, through the majesty and power of the Native American Thunder Beings to see in these Latter Days. – Holy Land of the ancient Lamanite Prophet

First Nations Ceremonial Grounds – Wilderness Meditation Retreat

Left and right join to cradle the precious stone.’ Starhands