Sacred Masonry

Intro to Sacred Masonry

The craftsman’s hand manifests a spiritual path, facilitating the return of Jesus Christ.

Peck, grind, and polish- while all else fades. The synchronicity: work and breath are one, inevitability giving way. The two hemispheres aligning, for millennia they have drifted alone. Yea, in 2024 they join together- to cradle the precious stone.

One has only to look. There he will see. Therein, the rocks contain an ancient language, preserved as the mustard seed.

At from me, you shall be enlightened. Through the eye without bias, you may learn these lessons. What you think you know, at this moment in life, is just the beginning of your journey. For you, from the Almighty God: “So, take this as a lesson to look.

Nothing can be hated or loved unless it is first understood. Leonardo da Vinci

As Leonardo da Vinci alluded to in his writings- understand what you are seeing, without the suffering of what you think you know.

Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else. Leonardo da Vinci

All exist in cycles, and everything is a reflection of everything else. paul s marak – Lefthand pointing sculpted stone – Symbolic Lefthand pointing – photographed with moonlight producing filter

God, are you listening? …just wanted to say, “Thank you.”

Holy Land of the Ancient Lamanite Prophet – Missouri, USA