
My Jesus – My Meditation

Help heal the heart of humanity by broadening your understanding of Jesus Christ, as seen through the eyes of one other than the mirror’s reflection. It is then that you may see beyond the limitations of your own suffering. Experience the love of Jesus Christ through the practice of your meditations, at

The silent beauty lies beneath the suffering that blinds one’s sight. For you, the chosen student, this suffering manifests the shadow- masquerading as enlightenment; the essence of which, when exercised for the benefit of humanity, should lack the illusion of ‘self’. …which is the problem with humanity, to begin with. paul

I welcome you. Please, come and expand your spiritual practice- unguided and under your own terms.* Greet the sun. Walk the path. Immerse in, all that is, God’s country. See the Truth, at

Texas County, Missouri

Taking reservations soon. is a First Nations ceremonial grounds, wilderness meditation retreat, ongoing amateur archaeological site, and private residence. More info to be posted. Please, stay tuned.

Left and right join, to cradle the precious stone.

* This website does not constitute permission to enter Events on grounds are subject to a set of regulations, tba. For your own safety- Please, do not enter or surrounding private areas without current valid consent from Paul Marak or surrounding current land owners. As a note: purple paint on trees means ‘NO TRESPASSING’. Also, collecting artifacts on public lands in Missouri is illegal. Check local, state, and federal laws regulating the collecting and distribution of artifacts in your area. All funds collected through are used for supporting and are not associated with any other entity, except where noted.