
Gathering of Tribes

From the Earth for the Gathering

They, the ancient ones telling these tales from across the great water, carved a history into the stones: From the Earth, these stones, and from the stones, a Star. This Star, restored, and for all to witness has, now and forever, been born anew and so illuminated by the maker of the Universe, the Creator. I pray for the time to come when I may pass this beacon to and for the Gathering of Tribes. -The Seer Stone Trader

Solstice site at

The Solstice site sets on the hilltop, slightly sloping southeast. The surrounding topography cradles The sky blankets vast and deep, while the day retires. The Heavenly Stars abound- while the tree frogs and whip-o’-will sing their nightly tunes. The moonlight reflects upon the landscape, and there, the stones lay. The light, the shadow. Once hidden, now revealed. -paul – Missouri, USA – Solstice Site base stone and stone tools – Illuminated Solstice Site Hexagon base stone

Faith, Work, and Meditation

Garden Site at

May you harness and cultivate God’s Power in a way that heals and restores- dusting away the cliche’ and stereotype. May you be empathetic to all, and not loosen from your own foundation. And may you restore humanity’s sight; where then, all will gather to gaze upon God’s Mighty Wonders. -paul

Garden Site – Four Directions Cairn Stone

For in truth, great love is born of great knowledge of the thing loved. -Leonardo da Vinci

Holy Land of the ancient Lamanite Prophet