Sacred Masonry

The Hand of God

If it weren’t to be, then it would not be. God’s-will is manifesting for this reason; and so, His sole ownership of the sacred knowledge has been, quite literally, presented to the hands of the Chosen. …in accordance with His divine plan.

Before you now, as a true witness of God and the Christ, I testify that God’s-will will be done. -paul – Hamsa Seer Stone 04

Hamsa Hand

Hamsa Hand – Transcending all Earthly belief systems because it predates all Earthly belief systems. It is cause-and-effect manifested by way of the human experience, then expressed back as the reflection. It is the Creator. The Hamsa Hand represents the purest manifestation of freewill within the perimeter of God’s plan. The Hand of God.

North American Hamsa Stones – Carved by the ancient Elders for these latter days.

And what He carved into them is a type of artistry that allows the seer, through the stones, an insight: a journey to the past- whereby one can join hands with the ancient Elders; in doing so, gain a richer more comprehensive understanding of the way. …the way of one’s salvation and the salvation others.

the sacrifice of the self. -paul

Hamsa Seer Stone

When utilized by the Craftsman, the Hamsa becomes the purest form of intention. – ancient North American Hamsa Stone (side1) – ancient North American Hamsa Stone (side2)

The Grand Architect and the Craftsman

What the architect creates- the craftsman, through the senses- perceives and then replicates in his own image. Freewill and God’s-will: Divine creation. – Peep Stone

Left and right join together, to cradle the precious stone. -paul

‘Savior of the World’

“Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art.” Leonardo da Vinci

When the craftsman works for God, the Truth will be set in stone. -paul

Holy Land of the Ancient Lamanite Prophet