Meditations Monday

The Gathering in Missouri

I remember watching TV, as a child. It’s what we did back in the 70s and 80s. We’d plop down on the carpet or stretch out on the sofa and waste away the hours. Some of my favorites were Saturday morning cartoons, Mutual of Omaha’ Wild Kingdom, Battlestar Galactica, and Happy Days. During my teen years, MTV ruled the airwaves …for sure, like totally. But the two shows that impacted me the most were National Geographic and Little House on the Prairie. The NG series was my ‘Encyclopedia Britannica’, explaining the natural world but through a sensory overloading audio/video experience. As far as Little House, that was my dad’s favorite. I remember him, in his recliner, starring at the screen as if not to blink or he would miss a part. In the background, I would ponder his fascination with that particular show. After watching every episode, numerous times, I understand why he gravitated to it, as I did and still do:

the family unit building and sustaining a life in the wilderness. Which brings me to the premise behind this posting.

At some pivotal junction during adolescence, a boy broke away from the family unit and began to travel the wilderness, alone. Looking back on those trying years, he is not surprised at who he has become. But, as reliable as it has been to this day, he understands that travelling with compadres is more beneficial in completing the mission than blazing the trail alone. So then,

please consider this: his heartfelt invitation

Hello. I am reaching out in hopes of connecting likeminded believers to help me help God help his children. This means moving things along at, as quickly as possible, without tipping the balance. – Ancient Native American Wood Totem discovered encased in clay at the Temple site

If you’re reading this and believe you have a necessary skillset, please fill out and send this form. Be detailed in your message. Thank you.

May the Great Spirit look upon our efforts for obtaining peace and say, “Totally Righteous, dudes and dudettes. Keep up the good fight.”

Meditations Monday

The Brown Stone

Throughout history, there have been common men, chosen. These few have laid the steppingstones for the ones, yet to be, chosen in these latter days. Beautiful and painful it must have been- their mission- and misunderstood through the ages, they were taken. Yet, ascend they did. To those few, the ones that remain glowing in the glory of Truth and held sacred in the prayers of the ones that believe, we shed our ego; and so, become that of the face and hearts of children. -paul – da Vinci’ Last Supper extra hand offering the Brown Stone and a small piece of paper

Existing within the works and acts of men, there is the language of geometry. – Brown Stone

This stone has been in my hands the longest. In my imaginary world, it has special powers… somehow, I dunno. It’s strange. A few years back, I misplaced it and thought it was gone forever. I suppose, it was then that I realized my addiction. Quickly then, I reflected on the character Gollum and thought, “My Lord, what have I become?” brown dream stone – Brown Stone – paper cutout of the Brown Stone

Transparency is key. For, in the light, the people will see all; and in so, there is no hiding the Truth.’ Brown Stone geometry found in Leonardo da Vinci’ Baptism of Christ

Believing that it can be done, is the first step.

Meditations Monday

Lot #4 at The Keys

Last week, while prepping the grounds for lot #4, at The Keys, I collected some stones from below the surface, just back of the bunkhouse. After washing the dirt away, I noticed a hole in one of the stones, a stone that will, later, prove to share characteristics with the Cornerstone and 33-degree STAR.

So, last week, I went to move the stealth camper and the bunkhouse to the new spot, near the entrance, at the key turnaround. It is one of the few areas at, where the grade is flat enough to be considered a building spot. This area, christened ‘The Keys’, consist of several small lots. Lot number four is the far most, to the southeast. It is nestled within the young trees, brambles, and such. A path of ancient stones, scattered about, leads down from #4, into the ravine, thought to be a very old rock quarry. – site map

Up top, there is an all-embracing old oak in the center of the key, where the lots set lining the ridge, east to west. After traversing the camper and bunkhouse to this area, I chose #4 as their new resting place. – view of leaf-covered trailhead that leads to rock quarry from bunkhouse – The Keys lot #4

To level the bunkhouse, I used cinderblocks and had to level some dirt and stone in order to get them plumb. In the process, I removed a dozen stones. In the spirit of ‘leaving no stone unturned’, I collected them for analysis.

After washing the dirt away, I noticed a hole in one of the stones. “How peculiar”, I thought. So, I checked to see if I could locate the stones that were used to create this hole. …a few hours later.

After some inspection, and as before, I believe the surrounding stones are a mixture of carved representations, stone tools, and variants of the two, and that they are the very tools that carved into the very same set of stones. Of course, I’ve only completed a partial preliminary inspection of these 12 stones and less of lot #4, so I could be wrong. – The Keys – Lot #4 – ancient stone artifact matching Cornerstone and 33-degree STAR

When I focus on the path of Christ, the path provides for my focus. -paul

Meditations Monday

The Keys

I have never lost the Seers way, strengthened more, since that day. I am humbled in carved reflection yet steadfast as a warrior’s direction. As God is my witness, the blossoming rose will come to be. Through Christ: the Cornerstone. …He gifted me the key. -paul, The Keys Meditation Park – carved effigy stone discovered at lot #4: 1 of 6 lots reserved for the gathering of tribes.

I look forward to the gathering. Together, may you all unite and find peace. -Seer Stone Trader

Left and right join to cradle the precious stone.

Meditations Monday

Ignoring the Black Bird

I’ve often wondered about the big black birds soaring over At times, I find them perched atop a dead tree by the river’s bend. By morning, they trail behind the squawking crows and the early songbirds that fill the forest with sounds of a merry day. They, these black birds, commonly known as turkey vultures, with wing spans nearing six feet, ride the warming current upwards, circling around

Most of the time, over the years, I have ignored these majestic soaring birds. Lately, however, I have given them a longer glance, and over the past year, or so, I have developed a relationship with a few… as much of a relationship as a grounded bird can establish with birds of flight.

At first, I would yell at them, pointing upwards and waving my arms about. To no avail, they did not see me, or they just didn’t care; besides though, why would they pay any attention to me? They have their lives, and I have not anything to offer. I cannot fly. I can’t be like them. I don’t look like them. I don’t think like them. No matter. I kept trying.

Then one day, as they were circling high above me, I decided to try again, to garner their attention. I stretched my arms out and started to run in circles. Holy cow! They watched me dancing about. I could see them doing a doubletake, before flying off into the distance. I had made contact! I was so excited.

Over the following months, I would dance in circles whenever they flew over. The black birds would mimic my movements, or maybe it was the other way around. …not sure. One thing I was sure about, was that they acknowledged my existence. Not just that, they understood that I was trying to communicate with them. Even though we are different, they no longer ignored me. It was a mutual respect, between a grounded soul and the ones that fly without effort. I love those birds for that.

Anyways, my dancing about, when the black birds fly over, hasn’t stopped. They dance with me. We circle about. And when I return from a long trip, they recognize this. They remember me. They gather. They love me for who I am. They don’t want to change me. They except me, and we dance. What a wonderful relationship, and what an awesome feeling not to be ignored.

“I came to Missouri to meditate, to form some type of offgrid retirement, and to offer my daughter a piece of land next to her brother. The events that led to this extraordinary discovery,, is the work of God, a discovery I call ‘the path of Christ’.” -paul

Meditations Monday

The Lamanite Seer

The Seer for Jesus Christ

Why is it that God enlightens certain people more than others? What is this ‘spiritual awakening’ spreading across the globe? Who are the Chosen, and why is it relevant, today; and if I could, for a moment, be so bold to ask, where does this movement lead to? What is its purpose? More importantly though and requiring some degree of focus on the part of humanity, as a whole, is this light: a message to deliver and the arduous path created that connects God to the people. …the way. – translucent stone knife & skull effigy w/headdress

The Ultimate Truth, again, illuminated by the power of God for use by the Lamanite Seer. – meditation retreat – lot #4 – view of Sacred grounds through bunkhouse ‘Dream catcher’ panoramic window

In between the forest and the spirit world, are the gigantic forces that battle for the hand of God’s children; in doing so, tearing away at the delicate fibers that hold humanity in balance. These gigantic forces are of the shadow, and the battleground, in meditation, I have seen. As children of God, we all owe it, to make the world better place. The ones that exclaim, “Enlightenment” are the ones that must create what was lost… the way. Your destiny is here. Your destiny is now. – Faith, Work, and Meditation …meditation that serves the Christ, not the self.