from Paul's hand

Meditations Monday

How can such a thing be so? I have tried to dismiss these happenings, but it does not stop. The more I turn away, the clearer the path becomes. And of the stones- When I hold them, the angels gather. They have human form and are of pure light. Once, in the oak grove, there were two, then, at my bedside, there were many. Lord, they speak of you. How can this be? paul – Solstice site Starstone – mason’s handstone – Missouri, USA

Holy Land of the ancient Lamanite Prophet – Missouri, USA

from Paul's hand

Meditations Monday

Lord, why have you put me here? Why do my eyes see, and why do my tears shed for the pain of humanity? Why have you done this to me? paul

Sacred Masonry

Intro to Sacred Masonry

The craftsman’s hand manifests a spiritual path, facilitating the return of Jesus Christ.

Peck, grind, and polish- while all else fades. The synchronicity: work and breath are one, inevitability giving way. The two hemispheres aligning, for millennia they have drifted alone. Yea, in 2024 they join together- to cradle the precious stone.

One has only to look. There he will see. Therein, the rocks contain an ancient language, preserved as the mustard seed.

At from me, you shall be enlightened. Through the eye without bias, you may learn these lessons. What you think you know, at this moment in life, is just the beginning of your journey. For you, from the Almighty God: “So, take this as a lesson to look.

Nothing can be hated or loved unless it is first understood. Leonardo da Vinci

As Leonardo da Vinci alluded to in his writings- understand what you are seeing, without the suffering of what you think you know.

Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else. Leonardo da Vinci

All exist in cycles, and everything is a reflection of everything else. paul s marak – Lefthand pointing sculpted stone – Symbolic Lefthand pointing – photographed with moonlight producing filter

God, are you listening? …just wanted to say, “Thank you.”

Holy Land of the Ancient Lamanite Prophet – Missouri, USA

from Paul's hand

American Bronco Horse

The unbreakable warrior-spirit of the American Bronco Horse.

1986 ford bronco 2 'Ozark' Edition
Paul’s ‘lil trail rig – 1986 Ford Bronco 2 Ozark edition

This is my ‘lil puddle jumper. She’s a 1986 Ford Bronco 2 Eddie Bauer edition 4×4, riding on 31″ mud tires. Currently, she’s running the original 2.9 L FI Cologne motor with the updated heads and auto trans. Gearing is 3.73 with the original rear locker. I’ve done some work to get her trail worthy, and the paint scheme took a little while, as well. She’s fun to cruise the Ozark backroads or just putter around town. As a much-needed upgrade for this cool little rig, I recently acquired a first-gen Ford Explorer with the 4.0L, 5 speed manual trans, 8.8 rear axle, larger shafts, etc. transformation time unknown.


Nirvana, the Beauty Path, & the White Stone

Simplified and Minimized

Nirvana- liberation from the suffering leading to a grand realization.

Beauty path- The grand realization becomes the thorn: the constant private pain; reminding of- and that, the Great Spirit has chosen you to fight against the forces that manifest the shadow.

White Stone- God’ blessings manifesting into the physical realm: His confidence in your ability in restoring the Truth.

“Poor is the pupil that does not surpass his master.” Leonardo da Vinci

I know of only a few things, but they are the most profound and liberating. Paul S Marak – Holy land of the ancient Lamanite Prophet.

from Paul's hand

Never Forgotten

As a child, my home was a United States Air Force base. 1967-1983. BRAT forever!!

‘Dad’s war buddy’ – acrylic on canvas – Vietnam War – envisioning my dad’s war buddy, Paul Stevenson Gillam. RIP

When the enemy brings the fight to our shores, who ya gonna call? …United States Military! – Texas County, Missouri

from Paul's hand

Artistry – freewill and boundaries

For the chosen, life-skills help to forge the spiritual arms, at your ready. Gather them wisely and plentiful. …spiritual warfare is underfoot. -paul

Native American ‘Seven Generations Prophecy’

This 16×20 piece is colored pencil on canvas and was created as an edition to the original. The original, not yet displayed, was drawn after a visitation by two heavenly beings while i was in a grove of trees on a Missouri hilltop. –

Faith, Work, and Meditation

The Arts, for the Chosen, is an escape mechanism that builds steps to God with every stroke. “Have Faith in your footing. You’re good.” – paul

from Paul's hand

Carpentry and Sacred Geometry

For the chosen, life-skills help to forge the spiritual arms, at your ready. Gather them wisely and plentiful. …spiritual warfare is underfoot. -paul

the seasoned finish carpenter – manifesting beautiful Geometry, Sacred and Holy.

Some trades on the jobsite look at me funny when i start preaching about seeing Sacred Geometry in the joinery.

Faith, Work, and Meditation


My Jesus – My Meditation

Help heal the heart of humanity by broadening your understanding of Jesus Christ, as seen through the eyes of one other than the mirror’s reflection. It is then that you may see beyond the limitations of your own suffering. Experience the love of Jesus Christ through the practice of your meditations, at

The silent beauty lies beneath the suffering that blinds one’s sight. For you, the chosen student, this suffering manifests the shadow- masquerading as enlightenment; the essence of which, when exercised for the benefit of humanity, should lack the illusion of ‘self’. …which is the problem with humanity, to begin with. paul

I welcome you. Please, come and expand your spiritual practice- unguided and under your own terms.* Greet the sun. Walk the path. Immerse in, all that is, God’s country. See the Truth, at

Texas County, Missouri

Taking reservations soon. is a First Nations ceremonial grounds, wilderness meditation retreat, ongoing amateur archaeological site, and private residence. More info to be posted. Please, stay tuned.

Left and right join, to cradle the precious stone.

* This website does not constitute permission to enter Events on grounds are subject to a set of regulations, tba. For your own safety- Please, do not enter or surrounding private areas without current valid consent from Paul Marak or surrounding current land owners. As a note: purple paint on trees means ‘NO TRESPASSING’. Also, collecting artifacts on public lands in Missouri is illegal. Check local, state, and federal laws regulating the collecting and distribution of artifacts in your area. All funds collected through are used for supporting and are not associated with any other entity, except where noted.


Egypt’ Rosetta Stone and the Lamanite STAR

…and, within the Great Americas and beyond her shores. For the Chosen and all believers and unbelievers alike… Happy spiritual travels. Oh, how i admire you, whilst on your journey. The Holy Spirit holds steadfast: That which seeks God, will find this Truth, through Jesus Christ. …especially while in Missouri. -paul

Egypt’ Rosetta Stone and the 33 degree Rule

For the sake of not having to write a scientific paper, I won’t delve too deep into the subject of the 33 Degree Rule. 33° Rule and 33° STAR 33° Rule and the 33° STAR

The stone below is a ‘Starstone’. It bears the characteristics of the stones within the collection, each of which share very specific geometric patterns, patterns found within’ 33 Degree STAR. In addition, this stone shares 5 of the 6 edges found on the Egyptian Rosetta Stone- one edge, of which, is properly arched and another edge: identically beveled. The reason for this, with a little research, can be discovered using the 33 Degree Rule. However though, and much more important to ask is, “What does Egypt’ Rosetta Stone have to do with Missouri’”

The humble beginnings of Egypt’ Rosetta Stone

I recall, with fond memories, that Missouri Sunday-morning, with lighthearted conversations, the smiling faces, pressed attire, and cordial manners. In addition, I recall the one question asked when I stepped through the doorway: “What brought you to Church, this morning?” And so, my answer, basic and to the point, must have gained its weight in gold and the ear of an attentive Angel, sent to listen-in from Heaven. Now, in retrospect, if I would have answered that question differently, the series of events that have played out in and around our lives, …quite super-natural, might not have happened at all; including this, a small Missouri handstone, in the image of Egypt’ Rosetta Stone.

a visual comparison(front edges and front corners)

These Hexagons: Edges and corners 1,3,4,5,&6 are a near match when compared to each other. Rosetta Stone edges 2 &6 intersect, forming a 33 degree angle. – mason’ handstone

Egypt’ Rosetta Stone & the 33-degree Star

Egypt’ Rosetta Stone(front)

Egypt’ Rosetta Stone(rear)

We, as the people of the United States of America- in the suffering of the coming days, will join hands in Faith. We will join- united- under one God and blazing forward, one path. We will look past the self, then- with confidence- step forward- united- for the Christ… Jesus Christ. -paul – Missouri, United States of America – Holy Land of the ancient Lamanite Prophet – First Nations Ceremonial Grounds & Wilderness Meditation Retreat