Sacred Masonry

A Leader for Christ

Experience is a truer guide than the words of others. -Leonardo da Vinci

Don’t fear the path of the Chosen and the isolation that has, now, followed. Be brave. Stand tall and focus your eyes. Identify the ego, and send it back to the shadow, from whence it came. Now, look to God. Reform yourself around Faith. Trust in Him with all your heart. Find the little miracles that are unfolding all around you. Connect them. Create your path. The Christ. -paul

Mason’s hand stones 1 of 3 – Denver Colorado
Mason’s hand stones 2 of 3 – Denver Colorado
mason’s hand stones 3 of 3 – Denver Colorado

The stones on which I make my way, have been set by the Almighty. -paul – Faith, Work, and Meditation

Meditations Monday

Pinery Colorado

From the Earth, these stones, and from this stone- a Star. -paul

I have travelled through the Pinery and have gazed upon the Earth at dawn. I have mapped the Rocky majestic peaks and walked a valley of streams. I have wandered the rolling hills, with forest of pine. There, the deer and turkey abound, trout swim and eagle fly. I have travelled through the Pinery. Every time, …every time I cry. -paul

Left and right join to cradle the precious stone.

Faith, Work, and Meditation

Meditations Monday

An arm of aid to the weak

An arm of aid to the weak, a friendly hand to the friendless, kind words so short to speak, but whose echo is endless. The world is wide, these things are small. They may be nothing- but they are all.” -from the collection of poems, ‘I have called you friends’. The Saalfield Publishing CO. United States of America 1913 – personal drawer

Faith, Work, and Meditation

What is, the shadow- He transforms for light. The Lord, these stones, and i- joining hands- left and right. -paul

Holy Land of the ancient Lamanite Prophet

Meditations Monday

Hearts of Stone

The Heart: Protect it, I do. That is, what is left. For, the world is full of people that have not. -paul

I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death. -Leonardo da Vinci

Holy Land of the ancient Lamanite Prophet

Faith, Work, and Meditation

from Paul's hand

Meditations Monday

The stones have been worked by an ancient people. They carved into them and then buried everything. …waiting for -paul – amateur archaeological site

Holy Land of the ancient Lamanite Prophet

Home to the 33-degree Star


Gathering of Tribes

From the Earth for the Gathering

They, the ancient ones telling these tales from across the great water, carved a history into the stones: From the Earth, these stones, and from the stones, a Star. This Star, restored, and for all to witness has, now and forever, been born anew and so illuminated by the maker of the Universe, the Creator. I pray for the time to come when I may pass this beacon to and for the Gathering of Tribes. -The Seer Stone Trader

Solstice site at

The Solstice site sets on the hilltop, slightly sloping southeast. The surrounding topography cradles The sky blankets vast and deep, while the day retires. The Heavenly Stars abound- while the tree frogs and whip-o’-will sing their nightly tunes. The moonlight reflects upon the landscape, and there, the stones lay. The light, the shadow. Once hidden, now revealed. -paul – Missouri, USA – Solstice Site base stone and stone tools – Illuminated Solstice Site Hexagon base stone

Faith, Work, and Meditation

Garden Site at

May you harness and cultivate God’s Power in a way that heals and restores- dusting away the cliche’ and stereotype. May you be empathetic to all, and not loosen from your own foundation. And may you restore humanity’s sight; where then, all will gather to gaze upon God’s Mighty Wonders. -paul

Garden Site – Four Directions Cairn Stone

For in truth, great love is born of great knowledge of the thing loved. -Leonardo da Vinci

Holy Land of the ancient Lamanite Prophet

from Paul's hand

Meditations Monday

There, where a man uses his hands to perform his duty, his ‘tools of the trade’ become an extension of what is, ultimately, his works for humanity.

The ‘Swiss Army knife’ of ancient North America

Truely, a work of art. Any man that uses his hands, carpenter to surgeon, can appreciate the simplistic genius of this little stone.

Peace to you. – Faith, Work, and Meditation

Holy Land of the ancient Lamanite Prophet


2024 Eclipse

On 04/08/2024, humanity will witness a solar eclipse over the United States of America. The eclipse’ path includes the beautiful southern Missouri Ozarks.

Happy Eclipse Day!! – ancient sundial & 33-degree point of origin surveyor tool
Sacred Masonry

The Hand of God

If it weren’t to be, then it would not be. God’s-will is manifesting for this reason; and so, His sole ownership of the sacred knowledge has been, quite literally, presented to the hands of the Chosen. …in accordance with His divine plan.

Before you now, as a true witness of God and the Christ, I testify that God’s-will will be done. -paul – Hamsa Seer Stone 04

Hamsa Hand

Hamsa Hand – Transcending all Earthly belief systems because it predates all Earthly belief systems. It is cause-and-effect manifested by way of the human experience, then expressed back as the reflection. It is the Creator. The Hamsa Hand represents the purest manifestation of freewill within the perimeter of God’s plan. The Hand of God.

North American Hamsa Stones – Carved by the ancient Elders for these latter days.

And what He carved into them is a type of artistry that allows the seer, through the stones, an insight: a journey to the past- whereby one can join hands with the ancient Elders; in doing so, gain a richer more comprehensive understanding of the way. …the way of one’s salvation and the salvation others.

the sacrifice of the self. -paul

Hamsa Seer Stone

When utilized by the Craftsman, the Hamsa becomes the purest form of intention. – ancient North American Hamsa Stone (side1) – ancient North American Hamsa Stone (side2)

The Grand Architect and the Craftsman

What the architect creates- the craftsman, through the senses- perceives and then replicates in his own image. Freewill and God’s-will: Divine creation. – Peep Stone

Left and right join together, to cradle the precious stone. -paul

‘Savior of the World’

“Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art.” Leonardo da Vinci

When the craftsman works for God, the Truth will be set in stone. -paul

Holy Land of the Ancient Lamanite Prophet

from Paul's hand

Meditations Monday

“Things that are separate shall be united and acquire such virtue that they will restore to man his lost memory; that is papyrus sheets which are made of separate strips and have preserved the memory of the things and acts of men.” -Leonardo da Vinci – Animal Effigy Starstone

At this moment, apart from the suffering, all things are converging towards a single point, simultaneously: The thought, the path, and the Earthly manifestation. …a constant barrage of little miracles. -paul

Faith, Work, and Meditation –