
Judge me not

Hear ye hear ye, the Lord judges him not, for He understands that shedding of the veil to make clear a man’s sight and ordering in, for him solely, a view of humanity- a Godly and terrifying glimpse of the suffering, as seen through the eye of God- He understands that only a handful of men can endure such visions- Celestial. Remember, judge not from the Earth, he that has ascended; for, he has spoken with the All Mighty, walked with the Angels, and stood toe-to-toe with the shadow. Therein, it is because of his Faith, through his Works, and the God-given gift of Sight that he has earned the right to gaze upon the ancient language, the language which speaks of the human story. Judge him not, for God has placed His hand upon the Chosen. Be this: The Truth- yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Leonardo da Vinci’ ‘Baptism of Christ’ …Decoded decoding leonardo da vinci' 'baptism of christ' – decoding Leonardo da Vinci’ Baptism of Christ’ decoding Leonardo da Vinci' 'Baptism of Christ' – decoding Leonardo da Vinci’ Baptism of Christ’

And when He said, “Compare your hands against the stones.” and “Look to da Vinci’ works.” the results have become, what is, the images that support the Truth… – Holy Land of the ancient Lamanite Prophet.

An ancient turtle cairn, constructed of 100+ ancient stone tools, was restored from the archaeological site dubbed ‘Indianhead’. The sculpted handstone(left), discovered leaning against the Indianhead stone(bottom), sets atop the turtle cairn(bottom right). Next, the Indianhead stone balances atop the handstone, inverted and fitting, miraculously, via a mortise joint.

United States of America’ Lamanite Tribe: Chosen by God, through the majesty and power of the Native American Thunder Beings to see in these Latter Days. – Holy Land of the ancient Lamanite Prophet

First Nations Ceremonial Grounds – Wilderness Meditation Retreat

Left and right join to cradle the precious stone.’ Starhands

The Show Me State Indianhead site’ Indian Head site

Praise the Lord for the commands spoken. By the angels amongst the trees, long forgotten. Oh, what a glorious day for the people to behold… the two seers that uncovered Missouri’ stones of old. – paul

God blessed before, and is blessing now, His chosen one with the ability to see the world like Leonardo da Vinci envisioned it. – paul s marak

Holy Land of the Ancient Lamanite Prophet

Ceremonial Grounds and Wilderness Meditation Retreat


The Chosen

Heyoka are chosen by the ancient ones to see in this dispensation. It is in our ‘Code of Honor’ to serve the good of humanity, however God deems necessary. We kneel to God in order to find balance… as we search.

...and through the strength of the Christ, and not before, we shall unsheathe our sword and slay the shadow.

…ongoing efforts to save the Garden Site, Texas County, Missouri: Holy Land of the Ancient Lamanite prophet. Meditation retreat for the true Heyoka.

for you, my friend

Saint John the Baptist – Leonardo da Vinci

…a baptism for the chosen

Faith, Work, and Meditation

Come, and we shall slay the shadow, together.

for humanity

The Cornerstone is Jesus Christ

Leonardo da Vinci’ Salvator Mundi and’ Cornerstone

Leanardo da Vinci’ The Last Supper &’ Cornerstone – Faith, Work, and Meditation

The 33 Degree STAR 33° Rule and 33° STAR 33° Rule and the 33° STAR

Left and right join together, to cradle the precious stone. – Holy land of the ancient Lamanite Prophet

As gratitude for enlightenment, we owe to God, Country, and Family. …to put aside the suffering, in order to focus on the mission.

paul s marak – founder – Lamanite Seer

For my best friend, that, yet again, reached out as i was hanging by a thread.


Wilderness Retreat

Witness, firsthand, the healing power of Jesus Christ in the Ozarks.

Faith, Work, and Meditation